Getting Started with BitPay

Consumers can also convert their cryptocurrencies into fiat money. Now, let’s take a look at 6 leading crypto payment processing solutions that allow for enabling transactions via a variety of virtual currencies. When thinking about how to integrate crypto payments, an organization has to choose a specialized gateway system. Since the popularity of cryptocurrencies has significantly increased, companies across a variety of industries are wondering how to accept crypto payments. As of January 2022, the number of cryptocurrencies exceeds 9,900, as reported by Statista. The subscription payment amounts can be specified in any supported fiat currencies (e.g. 1,000 USD) / supported cryptocurrencies (e.g., 0.03 ETH).

For customers who pay using other cryptocurrency wallets, the payment can be overpaid or underpaid. This is because there is no payment amount input check, and the cryptocurrency exchange rate could be updated when customers made the payment. The payment can also be late if the funds did not reach the provided wallet address in time. Payment providers are companies that unlock your access to innovative solutions. For instance, a provider connects your business with the Bitcoin payment API that is responsible for the processing. API serves as a mediator between your business and a payment system.

A preferred refund currency setting is available in App so that customers can select the cryptocurrency they want to receive for refunds. The Commerce REST API lets you integrate cryptocurrency payments into your business. Customers pay you directly from their computer or mobile device using the blockchain as the settlement network.

  • Employing the CoinPayments wallet, users can send, receive, and store more than 2,275 virtual currencies.
  • With customer ID and pricing plan ID, now you can create a subscription object.
  • The Wyre crypto payment API is designed to integrate businesses with the crypto world.
  • We welcome acquirers to help Pay onboard more merchants.

Easily direct a fraction of your revenue to help scale emerging carbon removal technologies. Join a growing group of ambitious businesses changing the course of carbon removal. The industry was in dire need of a cheap, customizable crypto onramp, and we finally have the product we’re looking for.

This clarity will guide your team and attract investors who see the potential in your project. This is the web version of Fortune Crypto, a daily newsletter on the coins, companies, and people shaping the world of crypto. It’s also worth noting that Musk has made a spectacular career doing what others said couldn’t be done.

Once paid, the payment is captured on the merchant’s end, the cryptocurrency will then be converted and credited into your wallet balance. You can select the merchant default currency from one of the Payout currencies we support. A App user can simply use the App (available on iOS and Android) to scan the QR code, select their preferred payment cryptocurrency and complete the transaction. Please refer to this FAQ article for the screen examples. Pay for Business supports payments using App and other cryptocurrency wallets. If you are only selling a few items and do not have a checkout cart, simply generate a payment button for your website directly through your merchant dashboard.

crypto payments api

Initially introduced in 2009 as the technology behind BTC, blockchain is a distributed ledger that maintains a continuously increasing number of transactions. For instance, Bitcoin transactions employ private and public keys to enforce security. In order to spend BTC, a user must know a private key — not revealed to anyone — and digitally sign a transaction. To meet consumer needs and gain a competitive advantage, it is important to provide users with a possibility to pay using digital currencies.

The project can then create a product, and charge different prices for it. Each plan represents a different tier of access (e.g, starter, premium) or timeframe (e.g., month, year). Each plan can have one or more prices, where each price consists of a chain, a token, and a number of token (e.g, 99 USDC on Solana, 99 USDT on Solana, 1000 APECOIN, 1.2 SOL, etc.). As a next step, we would ask you to configure the Binance exchange account (if you don’t have it, please create one) to deposit all funds there. We recommend using Binance, but you can add any other supported exchange too.

All results are formatted the same as in the CCXT library. It is recommended to use the –user flag on package installations. 2) After creating this, we now have a have a link that we can construct with our project_id and product_id. Here’s the hierarchy of our project, product, and plan structure. Connect to Poof’s Bitcoin full node with a single line of code. Accept Bitcoin and Digital Currency payments from anyone, anywhere.

Once you have access to the Pay Merchant Dashboard, you will be able to generate a secret key and publishable key pair. You should use the publishable key in the Pay SDK and the secret key when you directly interact with the Pay API. With customer ID and pricing plan ID, now you can create a crypto payment solutions subscription object. You also need to provide a billing_cycle_anchor which is the starting time of your billing cycle. See Create a Subscription section for the schema of subscription object that you should pass in. After creating the payment object, you will need to redirect customers to payment_url to finish the payment.

crypto payments api

That means that you can create a business account at Kraken crypto exchange and collect all the payments at that crypto exchange without any commission from our side. Additionally, we are able to exchange incoming payments into a stable coin, like USDT or TUSD, to protect you against volatility risks. BestRate administrates and orchestrates the process, so you and your team can focus on other tasks.

No code-wrangling required – just copy and embed the generated html code into your page. Build yourself the integration using BitPay’s REST API to add blockchain payments to your online checkout. BitPay’s integrations make accepting blockchain payments fast and reliable. Due to cryptocurrencies nature, you can start accepting payments from every part of the world. That said, I see two major obstacles to turning X into a payments platform.

You can retrieve individual subscription as well as list all subscriptions. API is a way to integrate crypto payments for your site. To do so, one needs to generate an API key – it can be done with one click in your account.

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